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-Leave wrap bandage on for 1-2 hours.

-Thoroughly wash hands before touching your tattoo.

-Gently wash your tattoo with warm water and antibacterial soap.

-Pat dry with paper towel and apply a very thin layer of ointment. 

-Continue washing 2-3x daily and applying ointment for the first 3 days. 

-After 3 days switch to unscented lotion. Apply when tight, dry, itchy, etc.

-For Saniderm, skip the ointment stage. Leave your adhesive bandage on for 3 days, remove and wash with antibacterial soap and apply lotion daily for the rest of your healing process.

-Your tattoo will begin peeling around the week mark, do not pick!

-No swimming/submerging in water or tanning for the first two weeks. 


When healing your tattoo, remember less is more! Too much ointment and your tattoo can't breathe. You never want your tattoo to look wet, as this will prolong healing. Complete healing time is around a month so make sure to take care of your tattoo and yourself the entire time.  If you're unsure about aftercare or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask or send photos. 

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